Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Khan Academy - Quiz 2

Ben K [10/10]
Math [10/10]
Intro to Addition [10/10]
https://www.khanacademy.org/math/early-math/cc-early-math-add-sub-basics/cc-early-math-add-sub-intro/v/addition-introduction [10/10]
I learn that the amount of objects to take a put together will increase the number total, This is addition [10/10]
Intro to Substraction [10/10]
It was next to the First video [10/10]
https://www.khanacademy.org/math/early-math/cc-early-math-add-sub-basics/cc-early-math-add-sub-intro/v/subtraction-introduction [10/10]
If you take away objects from a total of objects you get a number smaller than the original group, This is Subtraction. [10/10]
Self-evaluate. Replace the xx's [10/10]
Your total score = 100/100

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